3-5x productivity in weekly virtual sessions 

Elevate productivity and employee retention with Operation Cowork's unique 2-hour sessions. Our inclusive space fosters maximum productivity while enhancing loyalty and reducing turnover. 


When deadlines are important

Operation Cowork provides professionals with a structured space for focused collaboration, enhancing productivity, engagement, inclusivity, and reducing turnover for ultimate success. Participants challenge themselves, and tasks fall off the list.

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Transforming Professional Isolation Together

Operation Cowork tackles the challenge of professional isolation with structured virtual sessions that foster camaraderie, productivity, and belonging, transforming independent work into a collaborative community experience. Feel closer to teammates. 

Promoting Neurodiversity for Stronger Teams

Operation Cowork enhances productivity and fosters meaningful interactions by promoting neurodiversity as a strength within teams, leading to more fulfilling work experiences and stronger team dynamics

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Driving Positive Company Culture Together

When company culture is out of sync with the vision, confusion and uncertainty can come in. This is not a water cooler. Our sessions are intentionally supportive yet structured, which may help entry level workers feel valued and teach them how to take initiative on their assigned projects.  

Elevate Your Focus & Collaboration Today!

Empower Productivity, Build Bonds, Thrive Together


Frequently asked questions

We have put together some commonly asked questions.

What is Operation Cowork?

We are a virtual coworking space for companies with employees. 
This is a 2 hour weekly focus session for task work. We structure these sessions to have limited interaction around challenges to complete tasks.


1) Well, progressive isolation is an increasing concern.  
2) Neurodiversity isn't spoken about much in the workplace, and that's probably a good thing. The pace of these meetings are such that participants who are neurodiverse, such as with ADHD, are more likely to be engaged, get into hyperfocus, and even better, enjoy challenging themselves. 
3) There's a whole generation coming up in the workforce, and no one has time to train them on working in teams or taking the initiative. This is one activity that can help them work together (yet independently) and be aligned with your company culture. 

This seems open. Are you after our corporate secrets?

No, although we are sure they are very, very good secrets.

There are no details involved in any of our sessions. Participants set goals such as "Complete the third part of my report" or "set up social media for April".
You may meet someone in your company from a different department for the very first time. 

Who came up with this?

A former project manager of project managers. She founded a company that worked between developers and marketing teams and kept noticing some interesting things. 

1) Any one on any team, at any time, could host 15 minute morning standups. 

2) No one else on any team, at any time, wanted to host 15 minute morning standups.

3) Standups were a way for the teams to connect, even if it wasn't very productive or social.

My boss invited me to a meeting. Am I being punished?

Absolutely not. Your boss thinks you are an important part of the team to get this invite. 

I finished all my tasks during the weekly session

WAY TO GO! We recommend being open minded about adding more things on to your to-do list in case this happens.